Raise your hand if you haven't used Chat GPT or Gemini to get SOMETHING done at work! We sense many hands raised… Around 55% of internet users in Mexico view the tool as “useful for decision making”[1]. And who knows...
Clear & Neat– Functional Foods

Clear & Neat – Functional Foods

Are you one of those who read the ingredients of the products you buy? Let me tell you, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! According to several sources, 5 out of 10 consumers in Mexico have the habit of doing so[1]. The data is maintained in Europe[2]. But this was not always so. Until...
La nueva escuela del romanticismo: El desamor

The new school of romanticism: Heartbreak

We have to talk about the new school of romanticism that helps us make visible and depressurize talking about the black side of love not only with our partner, but with friends, brands, etc. #ElPoderDelLanguaje is incorporating and popularizing new terms... Talking about...