July 23, 2024

Juan Sayago

Raise your hand if you haven't used Chat GPT or Gemini to get SOMETHING done at work! We sense many raised hands… Around a 55% of internet users in Mexico to the tool like “useful for decision making”[1].

And who can resist the idea of a virtual assistant that delivers the answer you are looking for on a plate? Not even the biggest detractors will be able to deny the appeal of such a tool.

On this side, we are delighted with AI... but, as they say, With great power comes great responsibility. There is a great danger in the indiscriminate and irresponsible use of AI. Overexploiting your services can make any user lazy and dependent.

For this reason, our position tends to the middle point: machine providing a seamless process that helps obtain results in record time and takes care of the routine and the human providing his inimitable vision and the criteria for decision making.

For all of the above, we bring you 4 best practices to achieve a perfect man-machine communion and obtain better searches with AI:

  • DARE YOURSELF: If you have not yet made the leap into the world of AI, THIS IS THE SIGNAL. Don't be afraid of it, it is a very powerful tool that opens up new possibilities and branches into N number of adjustments that perform almost any routine task.
  • MASTER IT: Don't miss the opportunity to learn how to use AI and get the most out of it. Part of the fun is in the “prompting” and asking in great detail what you are expecting. Quick tip: give a role, give examples, be as specific as you can and open the possibility for the AI to ask you follow up questions to better calibrate the type of output you are expecting.
  • DEEPER: Ask the AI for external references for each answer it offers you. Get into the articles he offers you, review them, soak yourself in and you will surely find more texture to the short answers he is offering you.
  • CHALLENGE YOURSELF: Don't lose skills, if you notice that you are overusing the AI, stop and try to do it alone. You can write the first drafts of an idea (or an email) and ask the AI to correct it for you, BUT don't stop doing things yourself.

We know that this topic does not end here and there is much more to continue reflecting on, so we invite you to take a look at our Summer of Techs 2023 edition (download here) to see how our world is transforming with the emergence of these incredible tools

[1] Reference, The Economist